The Mayan Calendar and the Creation Waves


Quantum Science and the Mayan Calendar Waves of Creation • Mayan Calendar Update2021 Ninth Wave Chart.pdf2022 Ninth Wave Chart.pdf • Working with the Creation Waves

How to Use the Ninth Wave Chart

The main aim of the chart is to facilitate awareness of the creative energies emanating from the Universal Source that are continually moving through us, vitalising our lives. When we know the current, tune, wave breaks of the moment, we can more easily harmonise what we are doing in our lives with this universal creative force. Those who are still in touch with the Fifth Wave, more embodied and at home on the planet, may intuitively and instinctively, go with the flow. For most of us, however, this natural attunement has been lost through the various interference patterns of subsequent waves and the consequent developments of ‘civilisation’. The Eighth Wave, emphasising the opposite hemisphere to the Sixth Wave (Yin and East as opposed to Yang and West), changes polarity from Day to Night every 360 days. For most of 2021, the Eighth Wave is in the Day phase, its change into Night being on September 6. The Ninth Wave of unified Light energy moves through valleys and peaks, Nights and Days every 36 days.

The Days of the waves are periods of heightened creativity, while the Nights are times for rest and reflection. Both energies are equally spiritual, or ‘divine’, in essence. However, darkness and Night, women and our bodies, the Goddess and her mysteries, the Earth, autumn/winter seasons, the Moon, intuitive, instinctual, animal sensitivities, and creatures such as snakes and spiders sacred in the past, have been stripped of their positive power and demonised. Thus in patriarchal times white, daytime, light etc. are worth fighting for and symbolise good, while black, Night, darkness etc. suggest evil and are to be feared and destroyed. This theme is played out repeatedly in movies where you always know the evil ones by their dark blackness and the good by their shining white light.

Not only has fear and demonising of darkness created much trauma in the world as described above, but human surrender to the overwhelming driving force of creative light has also had devastatingly destructive consequences. Overproduction of everything from oppressive civilisations, to human beings (7+ billion and still rising), to nuclear bombs and power stations, cell phones and plastic, plastic, plastic is now causing sociological and environmental crises that threaten our very survival. Creativity in and of itself is not all good.

My suggestion, when using the chart, is to focus on Night periods as much as on Day periods. Keep a journal documenting what you notice about your moods, feelings, energy and creative drive, especially during the peaks and valleys and when the wave changes from Day to Night. Keep a dream journal and notice the changes both in quantity, content and feeling tone of your dreams. If you are in touch with your daydreaming, note these down too, and especially if you get caught up in fear and worry visualisations. Use your preferred meditation practice, if you have one, to explore and release any deep concerns that surface. Watch for the projection of fears onto others, look at your triggers and if things get too scary, get help with processing from a trusted friend or counsellor. Use art, music, dance, drama or any other form of spontaneous creative self-expression that puts it out there for you to see better and understand. Keep documenting your insights. I’ll be delighted to hear from you about your experiences working and playing with the Ninth Wave of Creation in these extraordinary times. It’s an adventure of a lifetime, this lifetime. Enjoy!

The Nine Waves of Creation – Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of Humanity by Carl Calleman, PhD, in 2016 by Bear & Company, Vermont 05767, USA
The Maya Code – Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind by Barbara Hand Clow. Published in 2007 by Bear Company, Vermont 05767, USA

Mayan Calendar Update and How to Use the Ninth Wave Chart.pdf
Ninth Wave Chart.pdf
Working with the Creation Waves.pdf

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