Greetings from the Creative Cronies Team ...


Minerva, Arafelle and Robyn - the Creative Cronies
Jade, Arafelle, Minerva and Merryn

The Moon Calendar has a herstory of 44 years. Founded by Gretchen Lawlor in 1978, and taken over by Robyn, Minerva and Arafelle in 1990, when we formed Creative Cronies, and produced our first Moon Calendar, the 1991 edition. Two years later, we published our first Astrological Moon Diary.

In 2020, an extraordinary line up of planets in Capricorn began a new 230 year long Jupiter/Saturn cycle known as a Great Mutation. This ‘end-time’ marked a time of collective letting go and a major reset for many of us, including Creative Cronies. In 2020, our wonderful friend and business partner Robyn chose to step away from her position in our company. Since then, Arafelle’s awesome daughter Jade, our current sales and distribution manager, has efficiently taken up much of Robyn’s mahi. Due to a busy life juggling work and family Jade may not always be available to answer the phone, but leave her a voice, txt or email message and she will get back to you asap.

Three times in 2021, Saturn forms a tense square aspect with Uranus, stirring up new challenges and change, including expansion within Creative Cronies. Merryn has joined our team, as artist, writer, Instagram whizz, apprentice desktop publisher/astrologer/priestess.

Astrologers Arafelle and Minerva wish to thank Cypress Vivieare-Davis for many years of cover designs. Thanks also go to proofreaders Raine and Shona. We appreciate and acknowledge the support of both our long standing and new customers. We enjoy your feedback and will endeavour to produce future Moon Calendars and Moon Diaries for as long we are able.

Contact details for us are:
Sales & Accounts - Jade:
NZ 021 0236 3220
Women Artists - Arafelle:
Email Subscriptions - Minerva:

You can follow our regular mooncalendar posts on Instagram and Facebook.
Merryn and Arafelle – will enjoy talking with you there!