ARIES Forecast for 2022


ARIES SUPERHEROShining the Light Within

This year with most planets in the natural Aries territory of the Eastern hemisphere of your solar chart, you can relax in being self-motivated. February/March, Mars/Venus carry your vocational calling into the community of your choice. Enjoy forming networks of friends and interest groups to work/play with on humanitarian projects. You are growing in compassion and understanding of the outer differences and inner sameness of people’s needs. In April, Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces puts you in touch with the spiritual aspirations of collective consciousness, melting away feelings of aloneness. In May, Jupiter carries this sense of connection into Aries. A union between your ego and soul is bolstered, possibly overshadowing more intimate relationships with others. Jupiter’s brief spell back in Pisces in November helps you re-embrace unity consciousness. In June, Mars meets shamanic Chiron in Aries, heralding the start of a new healing cycle. When Mars meets trouble-shooting Eris end of June, take a step back to witness what is happening before jumping into a fight. In August, it will be time to review your highest goals in life and release any beliefs that don’t resonate. The eclipses provide energetic opportunities for a change of direction.

ARIES Forecast for 2021

Following on with your mission of self-actualisation for the greater good of all

In 2020 Mars was in its home sign of Aries for a phenomenal total of six months, a marathon run of searching for your true Self and expressing your unique purpose in life. Moving direct all year in 2021, Mars sequentially tests out how your new sense of integral being, gained through the fires of 2020, is holding up in different aspects of your life. Towards the end of the year, feeling empowered, study or travel may call you to seek the truth of your own beliefs. A new love relationship or a revitalised commitment to an established partnership will inspire. Caring for others and the planet is a personal theme for Aries in 2021. Chiron continues through Aries while devotional Vesta is in your 6th house of general health. Plunging deeper into shadow worlds and facing personal demons may seem a scary prospect but know you are strengthened and protected with the goddess holding your back. Inner peace will keep on growing in step with your courage and commitment to yourSelf and the whole of Life.

Your Zodiac Sign

ARIES YOGAAries ~ Spark 21 March – 20 April
Physical correlations: Head, brain, blood, muscle
Celestial Correlations: Mars, Pallas Athene, Eris
Gemstones: Bloodstone, ruby

The healing wisdom of Aries is BEING
The first Fire sign of the Zodiac, Aries, symbolizes the will to action, energy in process. The original name in Egypt of the constellation of Aries, was Seret, the Ewe. Aries approaches life with the exploratory innocence of the newborn. Eager and excited s/he leaps before she looks. "Here I am, I exist" she cries joyfully setting out on a path of discovery. Like the Fool tarot card, Aries trusts in the Universe. Injustice and a lack of experience in consequences may spur them to argue equally courageously with head mistresses or armed robbers. Aries can be full of fun and an exciting lover.