New Planetary Bodies, Millennium Planets and other Power Points in Space


Centaurs | Goddess Asteroids/Dwarf Planets | Scattered Disk Objects

Other Power Points

Our solar system spirals around the center of our home galaxy the Milky Way, taking approximately 240 million years to complete one orbit. We sit about 30 light years from the centre, between two arms of the galaxy. To view the Galactic Centre we look through the Sagittarius arm which contains a great number of cosmic players, stars, pulsars etc, justifying the enormous amount of energy available in the signs Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

The Galactic Centre is a Source of infinite information which is always available for downloading into the human body/mind. The input is futuristic in content and intense in application. Space needs to be cleared in our mental and emotional bodies to accommodate the new data, which may not be understood or applied until six months to a year later. Time is needed to let go of outmoded beliefs and ideas and to update our knowledge and wisdom.

Whenever the flow of information from the Galactic centre is actively in-coming it is important to stay well grounded, focusing on the root chakra to anchor the input. It's heady stuff, stirring up the higher chakras and electrical nervous system of the body, creating possible overwhelm or burnout. Recording insights and impressions for later reference is recommended. Understanding and inspiration as to how the information can be creatively used comes later.

Out in the general direction of Centaurus, the energy again coming to us through the sign of Sagittarius, is a massive galactic anomaly known as the Great Attractor (G.A). What it actually is nobody knows but there is no doubt about its dynamism and huge influence. It is not a black hole, lacking the typical event horizon where a black hole engulfs matter never to be seen again in this universe. The G.A. has a huge red shift which shows it is retreating from us at enormous velocity. At the same time it exudes an extreme ultraviolet energy coming from the other end of the light spectrum, giving it an appearance of approaching rather than retreating.

The Great Attractor is a huge enigma that sparks our human curiosity and pulls us into its thrall. Maybe it is the Great Goddess Creatrix herself tantalizing us with her mystery and drawing us on towards reuniting with our essence and source. Be warned that when the G.A. is in force there is a danger of fixating on a particular belief system, spiritual truth, understanding or philosophy. Like a huge cosmic billboard, the G.A. does not discriminate and broadcasts loud and wide, including information from seemingly other spectrums of time/space. It is up to us to exercise our freewill in deciding what to believe and follow up on.

In her book "Mysteries of the Dark Moon", Demetra George writes: 'Lilith was known by patriarchal cultures as a winged and wild-haired she demon who flew through the night'. In the Old Testament 'garden of eden' creation story, Lilith was the first wife of Adam who chose the wilderness and freedom over servitude and submission. Lilith's mythology appears repeatedly in ancient cultures and is of particular relevance in the time between 3000 BCE and 2500 BCE when the patriarchal hordes were invading Sumeria and taking over the reign of the Goddess and a long era of matriarchy. Not only then but also now, Lilith represents the divine feminine part of ourselves unwilling to sumbit to patriarchal dominance and oppression.

The Monster in MeAstronomically, Black Moon Lilith refers to an energy vortex in space involving the Earth and the Moon's orbit. The astrological meanings associated with this dark goddess concern our shadow selves, what we fear and what stands in the way of the expression of our authentic selves. In 2017 Black Moon Lilith moves back and forth across the cusps of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, in particular carrying messages from Saturn to Pluto and meeting other planetary energies inbetween. This dark goddess will be revealing much about the structures, shapes and manipulative movements of our shadows in the underworld. Facing our own shadows and demons is a big part of the healing dimension.

To explore Black Moon Lilith in your own birth chart, an invaluable free ebook: "The Astrology of the Black Moon, A Guide to Healing the Shadow Side" by Laura Walker (M.Ed) is available for download at:

There are More Plutos - Sue Kientz.
Finding our Center - Heather M. Ensworth, Ph.D.
Inviting Eris to the Party – Our Provocateur in Unfair Affairs - Amy Shapiro.
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, and, Finding Our Way Through the Dark - Demetra George.
Also articles by astrologers Eric Francis and Philip Sedgwick.

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