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Dancing on the Cage  by Aralyn Doiron
2022 Moon Diary image “Dancing on the Cage” by Aralyn Doiron

Our 2022 theme writing is inspired by the magical conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, exact in April. With Neptune in Pisces 2012 - 2025, we continue to heal the spirit, honour the ancestors, and heal the collective soul. Jupiter magnifies all the Neptune Pisces tendencies, including the downside of escapism as a response to collective despair. 2022 will activate Piscean themes of faith, hope, creative dreaming, artistic and musical inspiration throughout the year. Jupiter and Neptune meet every 13 years. However, the last time they met in the sign of Pisces was 166 years ago, in 1856, and previously in 1690 and 1524. In 1856 anti-slavery activists rallied, and spiritualism/mediumship/communication with the dead gave women of that time a voice they wouldn’t have otherwise had. Significantly Uranus was also in Taurus at each of those conjunctions. Jupiter sextile Uranus in February this year may trigger some unexpected awakenings.

Uranus in Taurus suggests healing the Earth, revolutionising our relationship to money and land, becoming embodied and understanding how our nervous systems affect much of our unconscious behaviour. Pisces represents the womb of the Universe, and right now, she is gestating a new world reality over a relatively long time before giving birth. When tempted to surrender to despair, it behoves us not to be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief; remembering instead that we chose to be here to contribute our unique wisdom at this time of turmoil and evolutionary transformation. Given the massive timeline of this process, “we are not obliged to complete the work, but neither are we free to abandon it” (the Talmud). Neither are we alone in our work and struggles but accompanied by many wise beings, offering guiding aid from higher spiritual dimensions such as the Goddess’ planetary avatars.

Three challenging square aspects between Saturn and Uranus in 2021 saw many battles of freedom versus authoritarian forces on a global level. Governments and global organisations represented by Saturn proposed restrictions 'for the good of all’ while people's champion Uranus challenged limitations, and demanded freedom from control by the power elite. Ultimately both Saturn and Uranus are associated with Aquarius, Saturn being the old 'ruler' Uranus the new. We needed to find resolution and wholeness in the evolving relationship between these two driving forces in 2021. A tricky balance to engage our attention and expand conscious awareness.

2022 is Pluto’s last full year in Capricorn, where the ruler of the underworld has been snared in the forces of the physical dimension, the Earth, our bodies, money, land and commerce. We are amidst a colossal detox crisis opening the way for something new to be born. Pluto can be seen to have united with the Earth Mother in rebelling against her constant assault and exploitation - with increasing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and climate change phenomena. Pluto joining with Saturn in 2020 has shown us massive changes happening - in the social and economic realms, financial crashes, the pandemic and destabilization of nations worldwide.

In February, July and December of 2022, Pluto returns to its exact position in the U.S. foundation natal chart. Given Pluto’s orbit is 248 years, this is huge. The destructive transformative force of this transit has been manifesting for many years. It will continue to evolve throughout this decade and beyond. Pluto returns have been redemptive for other empires, such as England and ancient Rome, confronting their violent karmic past built on slavery and other institutional systems of domination. However, change does not come easily without massive resistance from those at the top of the dominator pyramids. Historically the turning point transformations have taken place within about ten years of the exact returns. We can expect to keep seeing the demolition of structures, ideas, beliefs, and traditions that have negated and dishonoured women, the Divine Feminine and indigenous cultures world wide.

New on the Moon calendar radar is asteroid Kaali, a goddess avatar of the Divine Feminine, manifesting at this time of Earth crisis and transformation. In 2015 filmmakers of “Racing Extinction” projected the following image, created by artist Android Jones, of the Hindu goddess Kali onto the Empire State building. The chart of that day shows the asteroid Kaali aspected by almost all of our more familiar goddess archetypes. It seems the energy fields of avatar goddesses were lined up in force helping Kali make her point loud and clear “Now is the time, surrender and transform.”


Kali is similar to Pluto in that she is ultimately motivated by love and the wish to help humanity grow, evolve and transform. Pluto is not generally thought of in this way, associated instead with the patriarchal greek stories of ‘his’ abduction and rape of Persephone.

Pictures sent back by the spacecraft Horizon during its close encounter with Pluto in 2015 show the planet has a giant heart etched on its surface. Scientific analysis reveals that heart shape is composed of nitrogen gas, parts melting and refreezing during Pluto’s days and nights, which radically affects Pluto’s atmosphere. Contrary to previous perceptions of the planet as a static icy orb, it is shown to be a dynamic system, with space winds radiating out from its surface. Following on from this astronomical, physical evidence, should not astrological perceptions based on the mythology of Pluto as the ultimate heavy-duty destroyer/transformer also transform? Maybe Pluto’s heart depicts the gift of Grace, the ultimately liberating force of the Goddess.

Also inviting us deep into our core selves in 2022 is Black Moon Lilith in the personal signs of Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Disapproval, abandonment and change are the fears revealed by the shadow mistress in these signs. Although our fears may never disappear entirely, we may be able to live more comfortably with them; we can integrate our fears by learning to accept and support ourselves and give generously of ourselves to others whenever we can.

Extracted from the the Planetary Dance writing in Creative Cronies 2022 Moon Calendar